Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday(28/12/o9)non-school day(holiday)
today still holiday but still gt tuition!!!!
so sad:(
quite a lot of hw lo~
but still need to do in order to hand up~
textbooks for next year buy already~a lot of books!!
the sch bag nicole(cousin)give(OP bag)black and pink colour
going sch reopen open so sad!!!
haven relax enough lo!!
then still need to so early wake up for sch
if sch reopen lo!!~
i go sleep le byes~

Sunday, November 29, 2009

a cow clock in my is cute too

a cow clock at my room.
but it is also quite noisy because keep dic dock dic dock..
but nbm..
i will get use to it..
it is also very cute too!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

time past start a new life!anyhow say wan la~

saturday(28/11/09)non-school day
now holiday already!!
can sleep late and play com!!
but also a bit miss friend and boring
but at least can go shopping with family.
i also gt play audition in com also la
then i earn a lot lo!
but when u play com until very long rite u will feel
very BORING!
u know.
i alos like the little dragon the comic and the little tortise.
i also go thomson plaza and buy those comic books..very nice lei!

Monday, November 23, 2009


some are the pictures at the applause and 1 of the picture is the ticket and the other is the picture i have drawn in the computer

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jeanette Aw(Ou Xuan)!!
so pretty rite??
my answer is 100% yes!!!

picture of Dai Yang Tian

Dai Yang Tian!!
actually i still gt a lot of
all very pretty and handsome!!

pictures of joshua ang

Joshua Ang!!
my new idol!!
but DYT is also one of my idol
Ou Xuan is also my idol..
actually i gt 3 idol...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

a bit sad about holidays.

saturday(21/11/09)non-school day
holiday already!!!
now can relax..
but a bit sad because not same class already.
only recess than can see them lo!!
don laugh at me can?
Gina:cheer up vivian.
i will probably cheer up.
i think.
actually i like the applause as i sit near teacher..
the room also very cold and very nice..
the performance also very nice.
wish next year also gt applause!!!

pictures at applause(show hall)DOWN TOWN EAST

pictures at the applause(show hall)DOWN TOWN EAST

Friday, November 20, 2009

at applause time

friday(20/11/09)half school day
today gt applause...
so nice lo.
the hall very big!!
until 4 something then i come back.
and my next year class is 4c!
i also sit near my teacher!!
at bus also!!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009


Saturday(14/11/09)non-school day
today no good.but only gt 2 days bad also la!
i more week to hoilday. YAY!!
Next monday and Friday gt events!!YAY!!
Monday is class party and Friday is Applause!!!
so good!
now i want play computers games.BYES!

Class party!!!so excited

friday(13/11/09)school day
so happy lo!!
monday class party!!!
Mrs see(our from teacher) order pizza hut,KFC so nice....
and we also my freiends and me also gt bring food and drinks la...
from 11.30 to we go home at 1.30.
because 11.30 then the pizza deliver to our school.
i love it!!!
wish that day quickly come and that day the time past very slow..
we also gt play a lot of games...!!!
so excited!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

hoildays faster come...

11/11/09(wednesday)non-school day
sorry long time never post blog because very busy....
exam paper give back need to sign all that so no choice... no school can rest a bit ....wish can quick hoilday...


1)Preethija playing Michelle phone.Engrossed in game.
2)Michelle and me covering our book on our face.
3)Michelle and me

nice things

4)crabmeat sushi

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


thursday(22/10/09)non-school day
(PSLE marking day)
sorry.....long time nvr post
becaus need to do hw lo!!!i hate it!!!
wish no hw!!can relax lo../!!!
phew.....finish already...ALL ho!!!
now can sisters nt at home...
mum and me at home only....

Saturday, October 10, 2009

so happy..

saturday(10/10/09)non-school day
so happy lo......go
play basketball with mother' friend sons and cousins and sisters
so happy.......but also gt homework to do...see you...
go rest already....!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


feel like eati
ng real very nice.. i gr=t eat before...yummy!!!!


wednesdy(7/10/09/)school day

so early wake up....

now PSLE lo...

i hate it cannot go here cannot

go there one lo...then must

stay at canteen so boring lo^^

psps long time never post already...

very busy like auntie lucy...

gt exam going on for me also ho!!!

i hate exams!!!!!!

need to study lo...but ho my new form teacher

for term 4 say if we do well for exam(SA2)

can have m=MAC TREATS!!!


because i want the MAC TREATS i must work hard......

Saturday, September 26, 2009

have a good day

Sunday(27/9/09)non-school day
can don't so early wake for today...last day because
tmr school sian..
duno go where eat tonight...


Saturday(26/9/09)non-school day..
not so tired la..
can sleep late...
for dinner go SUNPLAZE eat lo...
very full.....
gt laugh gt talk.....
laugh a lot lo....
shop shop already go home...
also talk la...then go sleep.

gt fever and flu so tired

friday(25/09/09)school day
so tired again...only i at school wan go home because
i gt fever and flu...AH CHOO....lame...
11pm go see doctor lo......the medicine
so yuke lo..but no choice...
i wan recover so must drink.....
need to rest more...
bye byes..^^

Friday, September 25, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

thursday(24/9/09)school day
so tired.....the post on yesterday is not real ho.
pleasle don't get wrong.bye i go eat dinner already
bye bye..

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


wednesday(23/9/09)school day
so tired 2 people
never come from my class...
Daphne and Danish lo......
I the absent girl and my friend ,
Michelle help them to take homework
and put in class not take home ho.if take home
my bag very heavy then i go tell AUNTIE LUCY!!
said until AUNTIE LUCY,she very famous already ho
i am her fan liao.....duno why...hahas!!!!!
VIVIAN:so funny!!!!!!
GINA,CARINA:funny meh...
VIVIAN:a bit la.....
VIVIAN:u 2 say not funny u also laugh..
GINA,CARINA:we are not laughing at that la....u go eat
shit...u know da bian..poo...lame...
GINA:joking only...we at best sisters.
VIVIAN:we at home or anywhere also never like that
wan is joking only..we at best sisters 4ever..
that's all bye bye bbbbbb

Monday, September 21, 2009 early wake up lo....yawn!

tuesday (22/9/09)school day
long time time never post liao.....
change tired lo.............
today gt school so early wake up lo
school say must reach school hall by 7.15..
people wan sleep late like until 7.50 or 8.00
also cannot one!!!!!so bad bad!!!yawn ....zzzzzzz...
so tired bye........zzzzzzzzzzzz..hahas